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Enter the credentials of your registered clinician account.

Clinicians Login

Clinician Dashboard

Add Patients

With a fresh clinician account, there will be no assigned patients in your list.

Clinicians Dashboard Without Patients

In order to add supervised patients to your list, you shall click the Add Patients button.

Once you enter the add patients page, you will see all patients stored in the database.

Clinicians Add Patients

Searching Patients

There will be a search bar on both the clinician dashboard page and add patients page, searching by the name of the patient.

Type in the name that you wish to search for, then if the name of the patient matches your input, the patient will be showing up on the list.

Clinicians Add Patients Searching Patients

Choosing Patients

Tick the checkboxes next to the names and submit them to add patients to your clinician dashboard. You can also uncheck the boxes to remove patients that you are not supervising anymore.

Clinicians Add Patients Choosing Patients

After submitting the form, there should be a successful message, then you can click the Back button to return to the clinician dashboard page and you can access your patients' dashboards.

Clinicians Dasboard With Patients

Access to Patient Dashboard

The search bar is also available for the clinicians to search patients on the clinician dashboard page.

Clinicians Dashboard Searching Patients

The patients' names are clickable which redirects to their patient dashboard.

Patient Dashboard

This is the overall view of the patient dashboard of the clinician version. It consists of several different components.

Clinicians Patient Dashboard

Filter the Data

Filter by Specific Date Range

The component on the top left of the dashboard is used to select the date range to filter.

Clinicians Patient Dashboard Date Selector

Clinicians Patient Dashboard Date Selector Insight 1

Clinicians Patient Dashboard Date Selector Insight 2

By selecting a start date and an end date, the dashboard will filter the data only within the date range you selected.

Clinicians Patient Dashboard Filter By Date Range

Filter By Day, By Month or By Year

The default setting of filtering is All Data, change it to By Day, By Month or By Year according to your preference.

Clinicians Patient Dashboard Filter By Day

Clinicians Patient Dashboard Filter By Month

Clinicians Patient Dashboard Filter By Year

Data Type

Our web app dashboard supports two types of data type: Fluid Intake Over Time and Energy Intake Over Time. The default setting is Fluid Intake Over Time, you can change to the energy intake graph by using the dropdown.

Fluid Intake Over Time

Clinicians Patient Dashboard Fluid Intake Over Time

Energy Intake Over Time

Clinicians Patient Dashboard Energy Intake Over Time

Show Weight

To display the weight graph, tick the Show Weight box. A separate weight against time graph will be shown in the blue line below the original graph.

Clinicians Patient Dashboard Show Weight

Patient Feedback

Hover on the point of the graph to see the percentage difference of received and target feed and click on it to give the clinician feedback at the specific time. In the future, the feedbacks can be helpful to make better-suited treatment plans for patients.

Clinicians Patient Dashboard Hover

Clinicians Patient Dashboard Patient Feedback

Change Treatment Plan

At the bottom of the page, there is a button for the clinicians to change the treatment plan for their patients.

Clinicians Patient Dashboard Change Treatment Plan

All three text fields are required. The target volume and target energy should also be greater than 0 for the input to be valid.

The new treatment will be kept in the database and be able to review the patient info page.

Access to Patient Information

The name in blue indicates the link to the patient info page.

Clinicians Patient Dashboard Title

Patient Information

Browse Information

This page displays all patient’s information including name, email, date of birth, age, gender, diagnostic conclusion, weight and treatment history. These data will be accessible by both the clinician and the patient.

Clinicians Patient Info Information

Change Weight

On the Patient Info page, you can also update the patient's weight by clicking on the Change Weight button. Submit a positive number to update the new weight of the patient.

Clinicians Patient Info Changing Weight

Clinicians Patient Info Change Weight Result