
This week we met with the client to present the findings from last week’s primary research and to demonstrate the improved version of the system user interface, receiving their feedback. The user interface will further be developed, following the feedback.

Client meeting and Presentation

The presentation about industrial infusion pumps, force and pressure sensors, and FHIR standards went great. Our team has clearly demonstrated an understanding of the infusion pumps and their components as well as the competency when it comes to the healthcare environment.

Our client was happy with the presentation and findings, and this marked the end of the primary research into the infusion pumps.

However, something our team will further look into is the FHIR standard, to be able to integrate it into the system as effectively as possible.

User Interface

Over the week we improved our previous user interface and asked the client and users for points to improve upon.

Some screenshots of the user interface:

Sign In

Patient’s Dashboard.


Patient Personal Information.

Patient Info

The client and users were largely content with the prototype, but there was room for improvements. Our design uses a large number of graphs and statistics. This makes it hard to derive information for those who are not comfortable with graphs and numbers. A large amount of system users will be the parents, whose children are being treated at home. This is a usability issue, and we will make sure the system is accessible to everyone.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Overall, the client meeting was productive. Our team is happy that we finished the primary research into infusion pumps and soon can start developing the actual application.

We received helpful feedback on the improved user interface. We will resolve the usability issue of the user interface by adding annotations and explanations to the graphs, as well as letting users choose the way data is presented. We will also finalise the MoSCoW requirements and will have them confirmed with the client.