
Over the past week, we made improvements to the user interface of the system to resolve the usability issues, which were noted by the clients. We focused on producing the final version of the prototype. We have also worked towards finalising the MoSCoW requirements for the project and confirming them with the clients.

Final Prototype

From the feedback received last week, we made the following amendments:

  • Users can choose the way the data is presented (quantitative vs qualitative).
  • Added annotations to the graphs.
  • The navigation between pages made simpler.

Some of the employed changes above and the final prototype are shown in screenshots below:

Application Sign in page.

Sign In

Overview page. The default landing page for the parents and family members. They will be able to change the viewing in “Settings”.


The landing page for the clinicians. Can also be changed the viewing in “Settings”.

My Patients

Added the “Change Treatment Plan” button for the clinicians, if the current treatment plan of the patient is not going well.

Patient Dashboard

Notifications page. Anomalies that the system has detected.


We later demonstrated the prototype to the clients and they were happy with the outcome.

MoSCoW Requirements.

Next, we made further changes to the MoSCoW list to capture all the requirements for the project. After we spent some time thinking about many different edge-cases, we scheduled a meeting with the client and have it confirmed.

Some requirements were moved from one section to the other, but the requirements were largely correct. The finalised MoSCoW requirements are as follows:

Moscow Requirements

Conclusion and Next Steps

This week went well: we were able to finalise both the user interface and the MoSCoW requirements. This means that we can now think about building and coding out the application. It’s crucial to think about the architecture of the system in advance, so this will be the main priority over the next couple of weeks. We need to choose the correct tools and technologies to use to build the system.